25 Feb

Who We Are, Our History, Our Objectives, Our Mandate

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The BC Marine Terminal Operators Association is the voice of marine terminals in British Columbia. We are dedicated to the safe, environmentally responsible, cost-effective, efficient and reliable movement of goods through BC Ports.

Our History

Established in November 1963, the BC Marine Terminal Operators Association has been actively engaged with all stakeholders to ensure that Canada’s Pacific Gateway delivers sustainable, competitive terminal capacity to meet Canada’s growing international trade in exports and imports.

Our Objectives

Connect port communities to the national economy and to the world.
Invest in our communities and protect the industrial shoreline.
Advocate for responsible growth, balanced investment, and forward-thinking policy.
Provide considered and sound advice to governments and port authorities.

Our Mandate

Our mandate is to improve the economic and environmental viability of B.C’s marine terminals, invest in and promote the value of the port industry to local communities, the province and the nation.

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